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The demon of paranoia re-visits old Sket

On The Road......

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2004-05-13 - 9:32 p.m.

Well, it's now Thursday. "Did you get your essays finished in time Sket?" I hear the voices in my head ask. Well, I did get the Crime and the Media one finished that night. It read like a pile of crap but t'was done. The 'biggie' essay, now that didn't go so well. I had to average 1,000 words per day in order to finish. The first day I did 345, the next day I did 1,000 and on the bloody day before it was due in I had to write around 1700 words (excluding referencing in everything I've said and doing the research). I have never been able to manage that amount of work before because I tend to break every few minutes to sit and stare or something. If I didn't get the work done on time my mark would be capped at the lowest pass of 40% which would affect my overall degree classification. I was tired, I wanted to wander, I wanted to play and do nothing. I had to work, and work I did. My little fingers tippety tapped away and I repeated myself in many new and inventive ways and used 4 words where one would have done. I basically wrote a big pile of bullshit. I finished at 2.50am and due to still being wide awake, eyes like black saucers I lay in bed reading until 4am ready to get up again at 7.30 to be at uni for my last day of lectures.

Apparently I look like an animated corpse today. I thought I looked alright but Amanda (who sickeningly handed her work in ages ago) kept laughing and telling me how shit I look. Thanks Amanda......

Anyhoo. Handed the buggers in. No more essays for me ever again. Went to my last 2 lectures and kinda came home deflated. I have a week to revise next and then I have my final exams. Scary.

To celebrate, Phoe and I went to Pizza Hut and ended up sitting in a cloud of evil 'cause there were CHILDREN in there. Not just children, but tantrumy children who needed a good slapping. We ate a bit and then had the pizza boxed up and bought it home. I would have caused a fight if I'd have stayed any longer.

Now, this is the thing. I have one rule in my life and that is to NEVER eat anything that hurts. This includes curry, spicy shit, vinegary pickled stuff and basically anything that is unpleasant to your mouth. In my books, anything that hurts aint supposed to be eaten. Phoe loves spicy things and insisted that half of the pizza had jalapinos scattered all over it.

She just bought me in a warmed up slice of pizza which made me run all over the house looking for fluid. Bloody Jalapino on it! Food that hurts! Now I am tired, look like the evil dead and my gob's on fire.

......bet she did it on purpose

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