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Rescue Chickens

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2004-12-03 - 6:32 p.m.

Blimey, I did affect the automaton. I picked up my answer machine messages today to find one from the very woman herself excitedly telling me that she thinks she's found the perfect job for me! Not only that, but if I wanted it she would phone up and get me the information and application form sorted!


I called her back, she read the description out to me (in a very excited voice) and told me that she would do everything she could to help me get the job! I am shocked. She was so horrible yesterday until I had my mini-breakdown and I think that she may have learned a valuable life lesson to not treat everyone like they are lazy scumbags who don't want to work, just because they are unemployed.

The job?

Coroner's Assistant; visiting death scenes on the Island, collating information and carrying out investigations on behalf of the coroner's department. Right up my street and decentish money too. It would certainly be a good start to get me back into the land of the living.

In other news: I bathed Rossie and treated him with the 80 QUID's worth of medication from the vet. He was the b*stard who made me buy that expensive happy clappy cat hormone stuff 'cause he reckoned that the laziest cat in the world might be stressed about something or other. Oh yeah, and his colleague was the one who wanted to remove the aforementioned cat's tail when she bust it a couple of years ago (it's absolutely fine now).

....and finally, I cancelled a run with Nigel tonight as I am still full of cold and I can't breathe. My Mom, in a warning and slightly dangerous tone has accused me of 'slipping' and said that I'll never get fit with this attitude. BLOODY HELL, I've cancelled one run 'cause I'm ill! I can't bloody do anything right can I?

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