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On The Road......

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2004-09-12 - 1:17 a.m.

You'll never believe what I saw today.

Just to remind anyone reading, I live on the Isle of Wight at the moment - a small, shitty touristy place full of retirees and old people (thinking of retiring over here) on coach trips. Well, I was sitting in Phoe's car waiting for her to come back from the post office when I spied something that genuinely made my mouth fall open in amazement.

......It was a bloke. Really tall and overly tanned to the point of looking a bit exotic. He was wearing hiking boots and really short leather shorts that had leather laces tying up the sides. These shorts were so small they were more like underpants! He had no shirt on but a small rucksack on his back. As if this wasn't enough, he also had long thick curly hair tied in a pony tail which went half way down his back and a HUGE porno moustache. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I think he looked like someone who would have BEEN in a cheesy 70's porno movie (as the sexy yet slightly pervy foreigner who takes advantage of the lonely housewife of course).

........not that I've ever seen a porno

Apart from 'Dingle Dangle'

Oh, and one of my friends who is gay let us see 'The Hills Have Bi's' for research purposes. I didn't know that men could do it facing each other.

....perhaps it's best I stop now.

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