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2004-08-11 - 11:20 p.m.

Bloody hell. I went back to the gym today.

It didn't go well. I punished myself too hard for being such a lazy sod and ended up suspecting that I might be about to have a heart attack.

....that'd be great wouldn't it? Spend 3 years studying, a life time of idling and 27 minutes killing myself whilst Kylie Minogue sings some shit in the background. My humiliation would carry thru into my next life if ever I died and had to be carried out of a gym by 4 body builders, repulsed by my unfit flesh.....

....I'd probably be expelling all kinds of bodily gasses too now that I have decided to only eat whole foods. I never thought I'd ever live to see the day where I could honestly say that I'd eaten lentils twice in one week.

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