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Rescue Chickens

The Kindness of Strangers

Does my arse look fat in this soul?

The demon of paranoia re-visits old Sket

On The Road......

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2004-07-26 - 7:22 p.m.

Well that just about takes the bloody biscuit. It sums up fucking everything. Talk about portent of doom?

Phoe had a craving for chinese chips and extra hot curry sauce - the best of which, according to her, can only be found in the next town so off we drive. On the way back (I didn't have anything) I sat holding her takeaway and decided to nick one of the fortune cookies, grandly saying 'well, here we go then, my fortune!'. Phoe smiled across at me, knowing that I have been stressed and worried about my future since leaving university 'I've got a good feeling about this fortune - pick the cookie that you are most drawn to.'She said wisely

I chose the cookie that I felt had my future happiness and fortune nestled safely inside it and that it would be good.


Says it all doesn't it?

Pah :(

In other news, we received a letter from Hampshire police saying that they are doing everything they can to catch the dog-shit thief and that they have passed on our details to Victim Support.....

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