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Rescue Chickens

The Kindness of Strangers

Does my arse look fat in this soul?

The demon of paranoia re-visits old Sket

On The Road......

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2004-04-25 - 11:38 p.m.

I have been headachey and clumsy today. I burned myself twice on the barbeque I was forced to build (before I could have any dinner). I then dropped half of my meal on the floor. I didn't care, I'm a slob and I figured that a quick wipe and scorch over the barbie would kill any germs.

.....the only thing is, the dogs piss and shit in our courtyard (it's cleaned up, it's cleaned up!!!). I sometimes think that I make Phoe sick. Hell, if people ate off the floor more there'd be less disease as we'd all have built up our immunities! There you go, a lesson in living longer by Sket.

Yesterday I bought something that made me very happy - a small cheap greenhouse. It was a thing that you build yourself and is basically a set of mesh shelves with a plastic covering. I went mad and bought loads of seeds including Huckleberry and Echinacea! I can't wait for them to start growing. My aching head let up for a bit when I was dealing with the dirt and dropping little seeds into the trays. For an hour or so I wasn't as much of a grumpy sod as usual.

Finally, I had an email out the blue from a really old internet pal. I can't even remember how we got to be pals but it's been years! He sent me a hysterical email saying that he had to WRITE HIS ENTIRE DISSERTATION and have it in by Monday at 4pm - He hadn't written a word! I got a sympathetic headache and started to worry on his behalf. Blimey....

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