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Rescue Chickens

The Kindness of Strangers

Does my arse look fat in this soul?

The demon of paranoia re-visits old Sket

On The Road......

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2004-11-01 - 12:18 a.m.

Well, it would seem that my gerbil recovery celebrations were a bit premature. My aged gerb has had a stroke and although she is very bright eyed and gerbil-like, she keeps falling over and seems a bit paralysed on one side. I'm going to keep my eye on her and if it looks as though any type of recovery is out of the question or she is in pain I will take her to the vet. At the moment I am loathe to make that journey as she is herself, just wobbly and you can't euthanase people for just being a bit wobbly now can you?

That aside, today was Samhain (Halloween), the pagan festival that celebrates the death of the old year. It is the day given over to the Lord of Misrule and it tells us not to take ourselves so seriously - a fault I have been guilty of a lot recently. It is said that on this night the veil between the 2 worlds is at it's thinnest and that we should welcome our guardians, friends and ancestors who have gone before us to sit by our fire so that we can give thanks for their help and spiritual guidance for the year gone by. We should also ponder upon the year gone by and speak of the aspects of it that we wish to leave behind in the old year. Of course, I am looking to leave my apparent inability to find a decent, well paid job that will give me the respect I deserve behind. For the Earth, I asked that corporate greed be eradicated. Giant corporations with their loadsa money rule this planet and frankly they scare the bejesus outta me. It ain't likely to happen in my life time but it's a thought.

In other news, one of my dogs LOVES to be dressed up. He particularly loves it if you tie socks to his legs and tail for then he can parade up and down as though he's on a cat-walk. I bought him a witch costume from ebay last year and he thinks he looks great in it. It's got a witches hat with green hair and a cape. We took him into the park wearing this ridiculous get-up today and he felt the need to approach every person he could in order to get loads of fuss and laughter - he's such a dork dog! We decorated the house up big time and had an abundance of trick or treaters come by. Phoe had made up around 30 bags of stuff for the kids and they all went which was a shit - I wanted to pick over the Kinder Pumpkin surprise toys and sweets.......

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