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2004-03-13 - 6:18 p.m.

Fucking hell I hate my new job.

I went out for the first time doing interviews and it was shit. I found myself almost tapping my feet in iritation at the old women telling me about this that and the other, how the country's not the same, how 'they' steal their milk/knock on the door/listen in to their private conversations.......oh, and her from upstairs is a right one, 'a bit funny' if you know what I mean..

Well actually no, I don't know what you mean you toothless old crone, now fucking answer the questions so that I can fuck off out of your house that smells like cabbage. Been boiling all the goodness into the water and then throwing the water away again have you? Yeaaasss dear..

Fuck, fuck, fuck........sorry about the language. I am pissed off to the highest degree, oh yeah, and some tosser smacked into the back of my car whilst I was parked. I couldn't even be bothered to say anything, that's how shit I feel. I couldn't see any damage so what's the point in screaming at someone when you are looking for working men aged between 24 and 35 to complete you stupid fucking quota.

Oh Lord why me? What on earth did I do in a previous life to warrant this fucker? I bet I was Hitler or some other bastard. I will now add 'researcher' to my list of shit jobs including giant hamburger, manager of charity shop (got escorted out of the back door for telling asshole area manager to shove her job up her fat arse), TRAFFIC WARDEN (that's why I'm being punished isn't it?), Manager of a 'wacky warehouse' (had to hide in wendy house away from incessant noise of children and caught chicken pox) etc, et-bloody-cetera...

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